3 Signs Your Fire Door Needs Repair

Business Blog

Identifying signs that your fire door is in need of repair can save money and prevent fire accidents. Yes, timely fire door repair will prolong its life. Keep in mind that a fire door replacement is costly and time-consuming. But seeking prompt door repairs will prevent you from seeking early fire door replacement. There are easy ways to know when to seek fire door repair services. Here are four warning signs that indicate it is time to get your fire door fixed by a competent repair contractor.

1. Your Fire Door Does Not Close

If your fire does not close completely, it is a pretty safe bet something is wrong. Your fire door may fail to close because of several issues. For example, a fire incidence might have caused your fire door to warp, making it hard to close or open. Excessive forces when operating it or wear could also cause this problem. Generally, a fire door that does not close may be ineffective in protecting you in a fire outbreak. Therefore, call a fire door repair expert to assess the door thoroughly and find an appropriate solution.

2. It Is Leaving Gaps After Closing 

Is your fire door leaving gaps when it is closed? If yes, this should tell you it is damaged and needs repair services. This problem usually happens when your fire door intumescent seal is broken. Gaps between the fire door and the frame could allow smoke to pass through during a fire outbreak, exposing your family to fire or smoke inhalation risks. Take action on time and have a competent contractor fix the door immediately.

3. Damaged or Missing Hardware

If your fire door has missing or damaged closer arms, cover plates, or latch bolt, you need no more telling that it is time to enlist the services of a repair expert. A fire door with no handles is extremely hard to open, and it could put you in harm's way when you need to get to safety. Get the fire door repaired at the soonest. The experts will identify the broken components and replace them with new ones to ensure your fire door is good enough to protect you and your family.

Now that you have read an in-depth guide on signs that your fire door needs repair, you need to use this information to your advantage. So, if the above signs sound familiar, do not hesitate to contact a professional for fire door repair services.


13 May 2022

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